Does Picaboo spell-check my text?


When you select the option to Order your project, Picaboo will scan the text boxes to see if there are any spelling errors.  If there are, you will see the following:

You can click the option to "Review" Spelling and the application will take you to each box that has a flagged spelling issue.

You can click into the text box and fix the text, or if the text is correct but the word is not in the internal dictionary, like for proper names or non-English words, you can click "Next" and it will go to the next page with a flagged spelling issue.  

Even if you've run spell check, it never hurts to have a friend proofread your book before ordering!  Spell check can only flag words that are not in the internal dictionary.  It won't be able to tell if the right version of the word is being used in context.  Picaboo won't be able to tell if you're using the "right" or the "write" word in the sentence.

Note: Picaboo's spell check feature currently supports English only, so any foreign words will likely be flagged as misspelled. If you're writing your text in a language other than English, we recommend that you check your spelling outside of the Picaboo software before entering your text into your album.

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