

Captions Overview


Any project in Picaboo can be beautifully augmented with captions. Picaboo uses Rich Text Format captions, giving you greater customization options, which can greatly enhance the appearance of your project.

Many page layouts have caption boxes already included on them. You can use them as is, move them, resize them, add or even delete caption boxes as you see fit.


Caption boxes begin with "Your Text Here" already inside them as a placeholder. These are simply a prompt and will not print in your book if you accidentally leave the caption that way.


Adding caption boxes is a snap. Simply click on the Add Text option above and to the left of your project.  You can then click where you want to add the text. Once the caption box is there, you can click on it and begin typing. Once you have entered the desired text, you can edit the box as needed.

Note:  Picaboo is optimized to work best with Google Chrome or Microsoft Chromium-based Edge version.  Although the program may work with other web browsers, we do not recommend using these due to inconsistent results.   

Editing Caption Boxes


To change your text, first highlight the text with your mouse and then apply any desired changes.

There are many Fonts to choose from and you can choose preset font sizes up to 200 point. You can change the font size and colors for different parts of the text within the same caption box. You can move the caption box up or down on a page in relation to other captions or images if you want to layer them on top of each other. Some fonts can be Bolded, Italicized, or Underlined. You can justify the caption to fit the need or style of your page left, right, centered, or boxed. You can also insert a caption background to help the caption stand out from the page behind it.

We also have the option to add a shadow or stroke (outline) to the text and adjust the text spacing both between characters and between lines. If desired you can even stretch the text vertically or horizontally.



Whenever adding text to a page, we highly recommend using the caption boxes wherever possible.  Photos of text may be blurry.

Deleting Caption Boxes

Should you decide to remove a caption, it's as easy as clicking in the caption box and clicking the Remove Text button on the Edit Text sidebar.  

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