When you're creating your project, you may decide to look for the perfect accent color to go with your subject. Whether it be a page background, caption box background, or perhaps the borders around your images, we have a tool to capture the right color directly from your photos!
The Eyedropper tool can select a color directly from the project you are working on. The tool can be found in all of the various color choosers, throughout the software. Click on the color selector tool, which looks like a color box with an arrow in the bottom corner, to open the color selection options.
For text, select the color box at the far right of the text options to select a color.
When you pick the eyedropper option, you will go back to the page and your cursor will now be a small eyedropper instead of an arrow. There will be a box below and to the right of the eyedropper which will show the current color selection. You can move this eyedropper around screen until you find the color you want. Once that box shows the perfect color, click and the color chooser box will come back with the New color showing as the one you just clicked. You can click the Save option if you wish, or pick a different color.