If you want to view all the projects you have created or find a project you would like to continue editing or ordering, we have provided a step-by-step guide below.
First, make sure you are logged into your account.
Once you are logged in you can click on "my account" on the top right of your screen. A drop down will appear. Click on "My Projects"
OR you can click on My Projects on the home page of picaboo.com (see the screen grab below)
This will bring you to the My Projects page.
Here you can quickly add a project to your cart, Edit your project, or Delete your project.
You also have the ability to share your project via facebook or email for others to enjoy.
If your project is older you may see an option to "Convert" this will allow you to restore an older project and either edit or order the desired project.
If you are still having issues with accessing your projects, please reach out we are happy to help.
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