If you are unable to see the entire Picaboo application on your screen, first see if you can make your web browser larger by dragging one of the corners, or making it full-screen.
If your browser is already in full-screen mode and you are still unable to see the entire application, your monitor may not meet our minimum required resolution of 1280x800. The following steps will help you check your screen resolution:
Windows 8:
- Go to your computer's Control Panel and open Display.
- On the left side of the Display window, click “Adjust resolution”.
- If the listed resolution shown is lower than 1280x800, see if you can increase it.
Windows 10:
- Go to your computer's Settings, click on the System option and click Display.
- If the listed resolution shown is lower than 1280x800, see if you can increase it.
Mac OSX:
- Click the Apple menu in the upper left choose “System Preferences”.
- Open “Displays”.
- Click “Scaled” next to where it says “Resolution”.
- If the selected resolution shown is lower than 1280x800, see if you can increase it.
Note: If “Best for built-in display” is selected, that means your screen is already running the maximum possible resolution.