Each style and or size of books hold a specific number of pages. You can view our pricing chart with a quick view of number of pages and pricing here.
The following book styles can hold up to 90 pages:
- Classic books with lay-flat pages
- 14x11 Classic Custom books
The below book styles can include up to 160 pages:
- 8x6, 8x8, 11x9, and 12x12 Classic-series books with standard pages
Our Seamless Lay-Flat books (all sizes) can hold up to 100 pages.
If you have a longer story you need to tell see our quick tips at the bottom of this article.
If you've got a longer story to tell, you can create volumes in a series by publishing multiple books. To do this:
- Double-click your book to open it.
- Hover your mouse over the Save icon in the upper left corner of the program, and click on the arrow that appears there.
- From that menu, select Save As to save a copy of the original book. To help you keep track, you can add “Vol 1” to the title when you save a copy.
- Repeat these steps one more time and select “Save As” to save another copy, adding “Vol 2” to the title.
- Return to the Library by clicking on the Home icon in the upper left corner of the program window, select Vol 1 and double-click to open this volume of your book.
- Navigate to the end of the book and click on the page. Then you can click on the trash can icon to delete this page. Repeat these steps to trim the book down to contain only the first 1/2 of the pages.
After saving this copy, you can do the same with Vol 2, this time deleting the first half of the pages.
You will now have two separate book halves, which you can edit, share, and order normally. You will also still have your full original book file as a backup.